Please join the Dale Adams Automotive and Belliveau Thompson families for a fun filled day to help raise awareness and support for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. We are looking for businesses and people who would like to sponsor a hole in the tournament through financial donation. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. Help us make a difference.
Tournament takes place on Saturday July 19th, 2025 at Highwood Golf Course.
Hole Sponsor $500
Includes your logo/name on a tee box sign
Bronze Sponsor $1000
Hole sponsor + your logo/name at the registration table sign and a special mention at dinner
Silver Sponsor $1,500
Hole and Bronze sponsor + your logo/name on media and paper invitation, plus dinner for two guests
Gold Sponsor $3500
All the above + foursome in golf tournament with dinner, a larger logo/name on media and invitation, logo/name on banner in the ballroom and logoed balls to be included with player registration
Hole-In-One Sponsor $500 + Insurance fees
Includes hole sponsorship plus the ability to host a hole-in-one prize. Please contact us for more information or to set you up with hole insurance.