If your car is hot inside you can cool it down by 5-10 degrees really quickly.
Though you look like you are a bit crazy, if your car is sweltering hot inside here's the trick to cool it down really quick.
Simply roll down your driver's side window all the way, then get out of your car and walk around to the driver's side of the car, or better yet have a passenger help. Then just open and close the passenger door about 10 times to create an air flow inside the car. Boo yeah, much cooler. You don't have to close the door all the way so don't feel like you have to slam the door.
Contrary to popular belief, you actually save gas by using the air conditioning while driving fast rather than rolling down the windows.
For those who want to save on gas costs many times we have heard that driving with the AC off will save on gas costs. Though true at slower and moderate city type driving, at faster speeds-like on a highway-it is more economical on gas to actually roll the windows up and use the AC. Show this article to the disbelievers.
You can drive for free if restaurants are nice and let you have their used cooking oil.
If you drive a vehicle with a diesel engine, it is possible to drive it without ever buying any diesel. With the addition of a conversion kit, you can actually run such vehicles on vegetable oil—such as the used cooking oil discarded by fast-food restaurants each day. Since you’re basically burning trash, your fuel bill can be reduced almost to zero. Plus, you’re both eliminating waste and running on renewable, 100% bio-based fuel. The potential downside: according to some users, it makes your exhaust smell like french fries.
Horsepower doesn't really relate to the power a horse can exert.
By the formal definition of horsepower-the power required to lift 33,000 pounds by one foot in one minute-a real horse musters only about 0.7 horsepower. Maybe the horses just need to install their own supercharger?
Maybe we should let Big Brother drive.
Though we have to get over our control issues and it would be less fun for us that enjoy driving, society would be better off if we let the computers take over. Self-driving cars could improve highway flow by regulating distances between cars and ease urban congestion by automating the search for parking (which causes up to three-quarters of city traffic). There would be very little traffic, less accidents and we could nap like champions to get rid of those extra adult beverages you had on a work night.
We hope you enjoyed these little factoids of ours. Please feel free to share any of your tips about the cars we all use and love.
The Dale Adams Crew